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This episode is in English, but the next ones will be in German reporting from Berlin the impressions of the DKP street fair on the past weekend.

Special greetings to the comrades from Eastern Germany near the border to Poland and to the ones in the far West near the Netherlands whom I met and worked together with them in our festival in Berlin. From all parts of Germany I met highly intelligent and dedicated communists and will reflect on it in the next episodes.
This one is about Shulamith Firestone's radical feminist book "Dialectic of Sex" from which I read out some paragraphs.

It is a brilliant approach which she is creating of blaming and refuting a male sexist society, laying out all its nuances in the execution of the oppression of women. I add some thoughts of mine, but in the main part I guess the book stands for itself and as communists and feminists we should read it today. I myself want to rather identify as a poet than as a philosopher or novelist, as I thought in the past.
So I'm not answering her scientific discourse on the same level, poetry has its unique dimension.
The life of a poet can be strenuous but it is what I want to lead for the next time. And it offers huge rewards in form of lyrical beauty.

The stunningly beautiful reflection by Firestone highlighted in this episode concerns the question: what is sex? Does it necessarily involve sexual organs? No, of course not. Just we are taught to think that way by the brute and desperate obsceneties of hegemonic culture.


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